Unilever & the value of ice-cream in February

What is the real value of a company? How a good financial perspective can lead to strategic waste. Read more

The charge of a very light brigade. Ukraine, the Crimea and the lessons of our follies

The European Union is surrounded by unrest and conflict around all its borders. Ukraine is important, but it is still no more than a flash point in chain of smoldering fires around us. This should be on the agenda of next European elections in May. In order to make my point, an analogy is made with what happened 160 years ago, during the Crimean war. Read more

Een Eurorevolutie ver weg in Oost-Europa

Overzicht van ontwikkelingen in Oost- e Centraal Europa. Ontwikkelingen waarvan het belang wordt onderschat. Read more

From Brexit to Brentry

Voor een succesvolle Brentry moeten de Britten voldoende scoren om het dominante ‘frame’ van ‘wij zijn slachtoffer van deze Europese Unie’ te doorbreken. Read more

Europe is not about Europe – lecture at Schuman conference

Contribution by Peter Noordhoek at the conference of the Robert Schuman Institute '50 years after Robert Schuman.’ Budapest, 2013. Read more

Over zandplaten en andere verstuivingen

Verschuivingen in zand, verschuivingen in geopolitiek. Read more

Report Peer Learning Activity on the Impact of the Common Quality Assurance Framework

Report on the way quality in vocational education can be improved on the European level. Read more